Get the science of learning, straight from the source
/Who doesn't love legit science, straight from the source?
For more than a century, scientists have been conducting rigorous research on how people learn. While we love keeping our weekly updates short and sweet, there's a lot more to read, learn, apply, and dive into.
Get more science, straight from the source: Register for our upcoming webinar and follow our growing Twitter list of cognitive scientists. The more you know!
P.S. ICYMI, last chance to retrieve your knowledge of our research-based strategies, and also add your own! We'll be featuring your strategies in upcoming email updates. Thanks!
Join Our Free Webinar on Monday, November 5
Register for our upcoming free webinar, hosted by Digital Promise, and learn all about the science of learning from a scientist-teacher partnership!
On Monday, November 5 from 3:00 - 4:00pm EST, join teachers, librarians, and school and district leaders of all levels for a live discussion with Pooja K. Agarwal, Ph.D. and Patrice M. Bain, Ed.S., including a Q&A. Receive a free CE certificate, plus research-based teaching tips, resources, and more.
Follow 20+ Cognitive Scientists on Twitter
If you're on Twitter, you know how valuable it is when learning about new research, teaching strategies, and resources. We've started a Twitter list of 20+ cognitive scientists to follow – yet another way to get your science straight from the source. Follow our list and share it with others! Science is best when it's not under lock-and-key, and Twitter is a great place to access it.
Follow us @RetrieveLearn, too!