Celebrate women in STEM by citing women in STEM

Celebrate women in STEM by citing women in STEM

Download and share our list of recommended citations on the science of learning. Increase citation rates for diverse scientists, update your citations with the newest research on retrieval practice, and demonstrate your commitment to equity and inclusion in STEM fields.

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This is what a cognitive scientist looks like

This is what a cognitive scientist looks like

Here's a list of 35 cognitive scientists you need to know. They publish the newest research on retrieval practice, actively engage in science communication with educators on Twitter, and demonstrate diversity beyond the traditional ivory tower. Follow them, cite them, interview them, and reach out to them.

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Two cognitive scientists you need to know

Two cognitive scientists you need to know

For our readers, Roediger and Karpicke are (or soon will be) household names – they are leaders in research on retrieval practice and they have published many of the highest cited articles on how humans learn and remember information. Learn more about who they are, the boom of interest in retrieval practice in the past 10 years (due, in large part, to them), and how to access their valuable research.

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Wait a minute. How do cognitive scientists teach?

Wait a minute. How do cognitive scientists teach?

We talk the talk. But can we walk the walk? As cognitive scientists, we love talking about our research. Particularly when it comes to learning, which is so integral to everything we do everyday. Cognitive science research is great. But how do researchers teach? This week, read articles from three cognitive scientists about how they teach using retrieval practice, spacing, and metacognition in their own classrooms.

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But what about multiple-choice questions?

But what about multiple-choice questions?

When we talk about retrieval practice, here's one question that frequently pops up: Does retrieval practice with multiple-choice questions boost learning? Here's the quick answer, based on cognitive science research: Yes! Read on for researchrecommendations, and this week's multiple-choice retrieval practice.

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