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Download, adapt, and create Retrieval Grids to boost learning!

We are thrilled by the overwhelming interest in our resources, including our free guidesstrategies, and book recommendations

Let's take it to the next level with templates you can download, adapt, and create for your own classroom. This week, check out Retrieval Grids by Kate Jones (@KateJones_teach), a flexible tool for low-stakes retrieval, spacing, interleaving, and feedback.

Adapt Retrieval Grids for not just any classroom, but your classroom

Tons of Retrieval Practice Challenge Grids, or simply "Retrieval Grids," have been floating around Twitter recently (follow us @RetrieveLearn). Retrieval Grids are simply a table with prompts for retrieval practice – that's it! Like a checkerboard, students jump around and answer questions at their own pace.

Retrieval Grids include spacing: Students are challenged to retrieve the concept or answer to a question. Each box is color coded for the time when students first learned or encoded the concept: concepts from the last lesson are in blue, last week in red, two weeks ago in green, etc. Space it out!

Retrieval Grids include interleaving: Many grids include similar concepts (e.g., names for different historical figures) that require students to discriminate.

Retrieval Grids are perfect opportunities for feedback: After completing a grid, students can check their work individually, think-pair-share, and/or receive elaborative feedback from the teacher.

Retrieval Grids are low- or no-stakes: In some grids, students get a few points for how far back they can retrieve concepts, while in other grids, there are no points at all. Retrieval Grids are a great way to emphasize that retrieval practice is a learning strategy, not an assessment strategy.

Kate Jones, a teacher and writer in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), created a number of Retrieval Challenge Grids and put together an amazing resource on Twitter with tons of examples and downloadable templates. Follow her and click here to download one of her templates.